Warning Those of Little Sense Against Attacking the Scholars of Emience | Abdullah an-Najmi
About the Book: Know that the flesh of the scholars is poisonous and speaking ill about them is a horrendous affair. To slander them with lies is a matter that is shameful and it is well known that Allāh causes the heart of such a person to die before his body. Those who find fault with the scholars of Tawhīd – the scholars of the Sunnah – are the people of plotting and deceit. If they are not able to procliam what they want to say, they will say it in secret. So beware of this so that you are not deceived. ‘This is the intent of Shaykh ‘Abdullāh, to draw the attention [of the people], and to sincerely advise whoever does so, to repent before he meets his Lord in a state of war against His Religion, fighting His Religion in order to possess the luxuries of the world such as wealth, position or its likes. So, I advise every student of knowledge to read this treatise entitled ‘Warning Those of Little Sense Against Attacking the Scholars of Eminence’ because of the guidance and the clarification of that it contains. And Allah is the Granter of Success.’ - Shaykh Aḥmad ibn Yaḥyā an-Najmī.
About the Author: He is ‘Abdullāh ibn Muḥammad Ḥusayn an-Najmī. He was born in the year 1391H in an-Najamiyyah, a village situated in the sub-division of Sāmiṭah in the Jizān Province. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree from the Faculty of Usūl ud-Dīn in the Department of the Prophetic Traditions from the Islamic University of Imām Muḥammad ibn Saūd in the year 1413H. Shaykh ‘Abdullāh an-Najmī has taught for 20 years as an Islamic teacher at the Ministry of Cultivation and Education. He conducts daily lessons in his town, Sāmitah and likewise Jīzān. He also participates in many conferences at various cities that take place in the summer. He delivers a number of lectures and reminders on multiple subjects, even partaking in educational Ḥajj seminars. From those whom the Shaykh has studied under and received commendation are the noble scholars Shaykh Aḥmad ibn Yaḥyā an- Najmī and Shaykh Zayd ibn Muḥammad al-Madkhālī, both of whom the Shaykh greatly benefitted from and accompanied for a long period. Shaykh ‘Abdullāh an-Najmī has likewise studied under a number of other scholars’ at different periods of time, however we have only mentioned those whom Shaykh ‘Abdullāh has sought a significant amount of knowledge from and are well-known to the general Muslims.